Ultras North
Date Owner Player Action
02.05.2024 13:33 AdmBot [uN]LwiceLEGEND Joined the clan
30.04.2024 22:54 [uN][$]zEu. [uN]FLANe Joined the clan
29.04.2024 23:04 [uN][$]TiNa [uN]dava08 Got rank 2
29.04.2024 15:09 AdmBot noxyz Left the clan
29.04.2024 11:36 Iani5.FaraoN[uV] Iani5.FaraoN[uV] Left the clan
29.04.2024 11:00 [uN]Stanciu. Iani5.FaraoN[uV] Joined the clan
29.04.2024 00:16 SerkaNN[SIUU] SerkaNN[SIUU] Left the clan
28.04.2024 21:45 [uN]SmiLeONFiRE. [uN]TYNUbones Joined the clan
28.04.2024 21:45 [uN][$]TiNa .TYNU. Left the clan
28.04.2024 21:41 [uN][$]TiNa .TYNU. Joined the clan
28.04.2024 14:07 [uN][$]zEu. [uN]consumatoru Joined the clan
28.04.2024 13:46 [uN][$]TiNa [uN]Drop_Minati Joined the clan
28.04.2024 12:39 [uN][$]TiNa [uN]Ianisss.22 Joined the clan
28.04.2024 12:39 [uN][$]TiNa [uN]Alin4EveR. Joined the clan
27.04.2024 22:12 [uN][$]TiNa [uN]claudiadriana Joined the clan